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(323) 230-0047 - 118 S. Robertson Blvd. between Beverly Blvd. and 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90048

Discover Restful Sleep from the Comfort of Home

If you suspect you have obstructive sleep apnea or another sleep-related disorder, an at-home sleep study can offer a convenient and less intrusive diagnostic solution. Let Pearline Health guide you through a seamless journey towards safer sleep, right from the comfort of your own bed.

What Are At-Home Sleep Apnea Tests?

At-home sleep apnea tests, often referred to as “unattended sleep studies,” are designed to diagnose sleep apnea without the presence of a medical professional. Using a portable device, these tests measure your nasal and oral airflow, respiratory effort, and oxygen levels throughout the night. This vital data offers insights into your sleep patterns, helping us pinpoint whether you’re experiencing sleep apnea.

Why Choose an At-Home Sleep Test?


Avoid the drive to a sleep center or lab. Conduct the test where you feel most comfortable.


At-home sleep studies are typically more affordable as they eliminate the costs associated with lab usage and sleep technicians.

Less Intrusive

Traditional lab tests involve multiple monitoring instruments that can be cumbersome and disruptive. In contrast, at-home studies utilize only three non-intrusive equipment pieces.

Ready to Sleep Better at Home?