After Your Whitening Appointment

To reduce chances of sensitivity, don’t brush your teeth for 30 minutes after whitening.

Avoid dark food and drink such as coffee, tea, red wine and blueberries for 24 hours after your appointment so that you don’t stain your teeth.

Use your complimentary whitening pen every night for at least two weeks (and up to 6 weeks) to optimize your results. Your pen will give you up to 60 applications.

Saturate your pen’s brush by twisting the base until you see the gel bubble up in the middle of the bristles. You may need to hear your pen click up to 60 times to get started. You only need to saturate the pen every 3-4 uses.

Paint the whitening gel onto your teeth and place your tray in your mouth to keep your tongue off of your teeth.

Sit back and relax for 20 minutes. Then remove and rinse your tray with warm water. Rinse your mouth with warm water also.